
Western/non-anime cartoon wetting scenes

Hi all! Here is my list of cartoon omorashi and wetting scenes. These will contain spoilers! Going to mostly focus on wetting scenes but I'll include some good desperation scenes too. Kinda sticking to western cartoons, as there are plenty of lists containing scenes from anime cartoons. Please feel free to message me if you know of a scene that's not on this list! I will mostly be posting these here myself, as I know of a few other blog lists that are riddled with spam and fake episodes. 💦 =wetting scene :) 💧=possible or  Implied wetting, up to the imagination.  Angry Beavers: "too loose latrine"  The whole episode is Dag needing to use the toilet but Norb hogging the bathroom styling his hair. At the end of the episode the whole house ends up getting flushed and dag mentions going in the "great unknown" 💦 "Practical Jerks" Norb gets pranked by having his hand dipped in a bowl of water, and he wets the bed.  Camp Lazlo 💦 &qu